Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Douchebag of the Month vs. Ryan Allen: March

And the beat goes on...

Fuckin Ben Roethlisberger- I'm gonna go ahead and annoint him the early favorite, but democracy will still be in order for this contest.  You may have read my open letter to Ben, but to repeat he is the quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers and a fat slob galore.  Accused of sexual assault in back to back years now, he has made an embarassment of himself and of Pittsburgh.  Supposedly he was flirting with a 20 year old college girl in a bar in Atlanta, then followed her into the bathroom hoping for a little hey nanny.  It would seem she said "no", and then things may have gotten a bit "pissy".  No matter if it turns out he was innocent or just being a drunken asshole, he is defining the word douchebag in sports.  Now the Steelers' management, coach, and even NFL commissioner Roger Goodell are "concerned" with Ben's douchery.  Ben, you fuck.

University of Oregon football team- College football teams are bound to have a few drug addicts, criminals, racists, etc, but lately this team has set a new standard.  QB Jeremiah Masoli and WR Garrett Embry were arrested and charged for stealing a video projector, laptop, and a guitar from a frathouse.  Matt Simms was charged for assaulting a guy that he thought had beat up his teammate, turns out he didn't.  Kiki Alonso was arrested for DUI, then kicked off the team.  This led to Jamere Holland goin Malcolm X on everybody on his Facebook "How the fuck you gonna kick Kiki off the team...on some weak shit...niggas always faded...that shit weak buff cuh could have done damage for the Ducks, that shit is weak, weak ass fuck, quote me".  Well they did quote you G, and then this subsequently got him kicked off the team "...I wish I could block whites as friends and only have blacks LOL, cause apparently I'm misunderstood".  No you're not misunderstood you're just a black douchebag.  Acting gangsta in Oregon?  Suck a cock and die Jamere... Oh and Mike Belotti, the athletic director of Oregon, said fuck this and quit his job.  Smart move.

Joslyn James- Alright bare with me.  She was one of Tiger's mistresses, and a pornstar, and has gigantor titties.  That's fine, hell that's terrific.  My issue is that her story was already out, Tiger's life was already ruined, and then to "clear her conscience" released the texts between her and Tiger.  She even went on one of those old yenta shows on CNN and they were like "so why are you doing this?".  Everyone knows you guys had an affair and freaky sex and shit went on, you don't have to release the specifics.  Guys text weird shit when hard as a tuba.  Here are some examples..."After i cum you better start sucking my cock to get it hard", "Slap your face. Treat you like a dirty little whore. Put my cock in your ass and then shove it down your throat", "Hold you down while i choke you and Fuck that ass that i own"... I just don't need to picture Tiger saying this weird shit.  Maybe its not so much a douchy move as a cunt move... Just sayin.  I don't expect anyone to vote for her, but I need to fill space.

Guy that knocked up Winnie Cooper- Any guy that watched The Wonder Years as a kid was into Winnie Cooper, or Danica McKellar as no one knew her as.  Always a mystery why she would have anything to do with that little spaz Kevin Arnold.  Fuck that kid man.  Anyway some douche knocked up her up.  I don't care if this polesmoker cures cancer, he can go fuck himself. 

Guy in white truck- For once a candidate from real life.  Leaving the movies this past weekend there was this son of a bitch driving behind James, Andy, and I, and was just way too fuckin close.  Tailgating and with the headlights blinding us in the side mirrors.  James rightly gave this a guy the ol' number 1, and douche in white truck took it badly.  He flashed his headlights, turned up the high beams and then drove up as close behind us as possible.  Nothing happenend, but seriously all dudes who drive big white trucks are fuckin douche hick assholes.  "From a nigga that says nigga a lot, that nigga says nigga all the time".  Arizona tho, full of white trucks and white pricks driving them.  I think these fucks like big lifted trucks cuz they are trying to make up for something.  Oh I'll take up 3 parking spots cuz my cock is 3 inches.  Fuck, I'm riled up.  12 years of dealing with these scumbags man.  Why didn't Nazi's target guys in white trucks?  Ok I'll stop now.

Ryan Allen- Ugh I'm getting lamer as this year goes on.  I did piss in the Albertson's parking lot twice.  It's a great feeling after a night of drinking and not wanting to wait 2 more minutes before getting home.  I've really become all about public peeing.  It's not that I want everyone in the world to see my cock, it's just a very free feeling.  I mean think about it, how many times have you pissed in a toilet?  A few hundred thousand times?  Sometimes you gotta mark some new territory.  I want my urine to have its own empire.  I mean hey, if astronauts can shoot out cumballs floatin in space, it's not too much to ask to be able to pee in various parking lots when hammered...Huh?    

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Adventures in Trainrobbing: A true college cookbook, suck my balls Betty Crocker

ne of the most challenging obstacles that comes with being a broke college student is finding decent things to eat on a daily basis.  I don't think I have ever discovered such highs or lows in a year span food wise.  When you're hungry and desperate you gotta find ways to get through the day.  Sure you can smoke cigarettes to suppress hunger temporarily or snack on some cereal straight from the box, but at times that won't cut it.  Especially when you have weed clouding judgement and impounding in your head that food is a good idea.  You know I don't think weed really makes you hungrier, it just sounds like a good idea and eating more is an even better idea.  But here are some of my finest, and possibly lowest, food finds and stories while living in Tempe...

Before I got to college, I had smoked weed a few times, but shit I never "really" got high til my roommate Mark brought home "The Blue Bullet" aka his new custom bong.  I had never smoked out of a bong, but hey I went to Tempe to experience shit so I'm not gonna say no especially when MG starts adding ice to the base of the bong.  Needless to say we got high as fuck that night and when the food subject came up we had to create something... It always worked out that he would have food items like pretzels and popcorn and I would have accomplices like cheese, ranch, ketchup, bbq sauce, etc.  I announce "let's put those pretzels on a plate, put cheese and ranch on em and put in the microwave".  Without thinking twice we threw that shit together, nuked it, and then picked it apart like vultures.  The combination of melted cheese and ranch is always a shoe in when creating new crack for weedheads.  Also worked on popcorn, tuna, and beef jerky.

When I have money I'm always happy to hook up my friends with food or alcohol when we're hangin out.  But back then I didn't have money so I had to take advantage of people.  My roommate had a shit load of Sun Dollars, the college money at ASU, and we took advantage of that shit to no end.  He would end up getting yelled at by his parents for spending so much of it, but fuck, the mixture of hungry and high doesn't allow you to make the smartest decisions.  We used to order Domino's like crazy.  We would always order at least 2 pizzas and 2 sides and spend like $30 worth of Sun Dollars.  The funniest part is they wouldn't accept Sun Dollars as tips.  We never had cash except quarters for the washer and dryer.  So we always had the same routine for collecting the pizza.  We would both walk down to meet the driver, Mark would sign the receipt and I would take the pizza, then simultaneously he would hand the receipt to the delivery guy and I would hand them $1.50 in quarters and then we would immediately turn away to avoid a confrontation about our shitty tip.  A lot of time the driver would say "thanks a lot" or some offhand remark.  One time before the ASU football game there was like 6 people hanging out in our room so we ordered $105 worth of Domino's.  I do believed we only tipped like a dollar... I'd be so pissed to be a delivery person in Tempe.

My roommate was like half Italian, and from Chicago, so the fucker made a mean pasta.  Plus we used to watch Top Chef and get inspired to cook up a masterpiece (and cuz we would have drank the host's bathwater).  We would have some materials to put something together, but we always ended up having to steal a lot of shit from people too.  And by people, I mean all the foreigners that lived at the dorm.  We had this community kitchen/living room and the foreign kids would always hang out down there and cook and watch soccer.  They always left shit in the fridge and marked their names on it, but we were fuckin trainrobbers, so we would always steal their shit and say that the foreigners stole our stuff.  It's not our fault they bought things like bacon, fresh vegetables, spices, chicken, you know things that help contribute to some epic pastas.  The RA trusted us because she saw us cooking on different occasions and just figured we had bought that stuff.  Americans know better, they get their own mini-fridges and keep their good shit on lock.

One time while high, I was given the phone to order Chinese food, with the instructions to order at least $15 worth of food so that we could get a free side of chicken tenders.  I just don't do well in those situations when I'm supposed to get my shit together to order a couple things on the phone.  Like I said, more food sounds like a better idea.  I ended up ordering like $40 worth of shit and I had to pay the difference for fucking up that bad.  I think we ended up eating everything, but the problem was we already ate before we ordered Chinese food.  I could have saved myself $20 bucks if I could have just remembered that.  The food wasn't even good.  God damn it.

On a couple different occasions we would steal our suitemate's Nutrisystem food, cuz that fuckin dude had boxes of shit he didn't eat.  One time we left a couple of the empty containers showing in our trash bag and I guess the dude noticed so him and his friend threatened to kick my roommate's ass if he didn't pay for it.  Again my suitemate was an irrational cokehead.  So Mark just made up a story that his friend was over and some of that stuff.  I guess he bought it, but he would bring up shit everytime he got coked up and he would try to fight us.  Then, he would calm down and apologize for like half an hour.  As Rick James says "Cocaine, is a helluva drug".  I've never done the white powder myself, but that shit must be intense.

Once in awhile, Mark and I would actually have money and get good shit, but it was rare.  Most of the time we relied on the dollar menu at Wendy's and Whataburger.  There was also a Korean BBQ next to us, where there was always a bunch of stray cats hanging around...a lot of which would disappear.  We ate their a few times.  It was okay, but they give weird sides like slices of cold hot dog, nasty as fuck.  The point is its kinda like prison, you gotta do what you gotta do to get by.  I lied, stole, and cooked up weird shit cuz at the end of the day a man's gotta eat.

Adventures in Trainrobbing: DB07

My roommate at ASU hooked me up with a lot of food and a lot of weed in our time living together.  The least I could do was let him spend Thanksgiving with my family.  So we ventured to Peoria and my roommate brought only a bag of weed and a cd.  I don't even remember if he brought a change of clothes for the 3 day stay, but no matter.  Thanksgiving was a busy day, well night anyway.  First, during the day we drove off to a nearby place to smoke cigarettes while my parents cooked the food, and we plotted our day.  So we ate dinner with my parents, and they told us that my cousin and her husband wanted us to come by after.  Mark was kinda jonesin to smoke, and I told em "trust me man, bring the weed".  So we went over there and ate for the second time and I told my cousin's husband we have stuff to smoke.  He busted out a pipe, we smoked, drank a few beers, and then headed over to my friend's house. 

Arriving at my friend's house was a trip.  It's not a great feeling to be around a group of sober people when you're high as a panda.  Especially when trippy video games are being played.  My roommate brought it up that it would be funny as hell to go doorbusting for Black Friday.  Plus he wanted to get this scooter at Target or something, I don't man that kid is fuckin crazy.  But I'm like alright its only a couple hours away we can make that happen.  So we left my friend's house and got even more high in my backyard.  Then we drove down by Best Buy and Target to check out the lines.  One line that caught our attention was at Mervyn's.  I guess the first 100 people got like a $10 gift certificate so there was a line wrapping around the building.  We found this completely hilarious so we just stood beside the line and smoked cigarettes and took pictures.  People were looking over at us like we were the biggest assholes in the world.  Like who goes Doorbusting just to watch the lines and doesn't even shop?  It's hilarious thinking about it.

After a little bit we decide to go over to the mall, which was surprisingly full of people.  See we figured it was normal that we were out and about at 4 in the morning cuz we were fucked up.  But there was all these little kids and old people, shit I guess all kinds of people do meth.  I guess they had Santa come in at like 5 or 6, but still seemed crazy.  I suppose it's a bit hard to explain now why that whole experience was so hilarious to us, but you know who goes shopping high at 3 am?  That shit doesn't happen often in life.  But it was Doorbusters 07' aka DB07.  It was one of those times that you treasure as a random experience that won't happen again. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

What's a blog without interpretive dance?

Fuck, I can't believe I have had this blog for like two months without posting the infamous breakdancing video.  It's one of the two proud moments of my life... 

Can't stop, won't stop ahehaheh

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Badgers and Tiger Woo

If you're looking for an explanation on the whole Tiger Woods story, or just fucked up, I recommend this vidya.  I can't get it out of my mind...

For the record, I don't give a shit about Tiger cheating.  He is the richest fucker on the planet.  He deserves a life of mistresses.

Adventures in Trainrobbing: Strippers Drink Bags of Wine

I have been trying hard to remember more random stories from my year spent living in Tempe two years ago, but I feel as though I have told or forgotten most of them.  I guess it makes sense that sometimes you have to be under the influence of alcohol or pot to remember the times that you were fucked up.  It was really a different world I was living in over there.  The characters, the visuals, the mindset.  I was just high all the time and goin with it I guess.  My roommate and I used to call our adventures, Trainrobbing. 

Anyway one story I do recall is one I haven't written down before, so perhaps it will help trigger out some more memorable adventures.  One night, my roommate Mark was really adamant about wanting to find a party.  It was outside his character, he really only gave a fuck about finding good weed usually.  My suitemate Sturtz and his friend Jay came through letting us know about a party at a house nearby.  We catch a ride with them to the house and find that there are only a few people there.  I guess it was the three chicks that lived there and a couple of their friends.  They had a keg outback, but the pump broke so all the people there left.  I start talking up one of these girls cuz she is cute, and seemed at least mildly interested.  Then of course two seconds later she gets a call from her boyfriend and leaves.  Fuckin story of my life, but I digress.  Remaining of the girls was a skinny blonde girl and a slutty fat Mexican girl.  The blonde ends up leaving and we learn from the Mexican girl that the blonde is a stripper.  She decides to invite over her friend, who is also a stripper at the same place as the blonde.

Stay with me, its now me and 4 other guys hanging out with an unattractive girl and her stripper friend is on the way.  We are hanging out by the pool when the stripper shows up.  She's Mexican, decently attractive, very flat for a stripper though and just earlier in the day broke up with her boyfriend.  So the dude Jay and his friend decide to go get a tap for the keg, while us other 3 hangout by a pool with a fat slut and an emotional stripper...oh yeah, btw at this point the stripper is drinking a box of wine, well I mean the bag inside of those boxes.  Soon enough both girls strip down to their underwear and get in the pool.  We are kinda just watching and then Sturtz says in his guido talk "yo bro, get in the pool and get those girls".  (I know that didn't sound that guido but the motherfucker started wearing juicy couture, really gay sunglasses, and used words like "bro", "dank", "beat", "straight kill", etc.  Fuckin coke head.)

So I strip down to just my boxers and get in the pool.  First of all, the boxers I had on were a pretty old pair so they were like a thin material and white with blue stripes, so getting in the water immediately made them flesh colored.  If there were any sea creatures in the pool I guarantee they could see the complete outline of my dong and asscrack.  But I'm not exactly sure what I'm expecting out of this, I just kinda swim over by the stripper trying to be smooth.  She's drinking and vulnerable so maybe I can have one of those random pool hookups like in all those National Lampoons movies, right?  I was really out of my element at the time.  I was sober and trying to be daring and just fuckin up... But hey she's still drinking, just be smooth and you will get this RA... And then the other 2 dudes show up again with the tap for the keg. 

Oh yes other 2 guys, please come join us in the pool...motherfuckers.  Of course these dudes tried to swoop in for the kill themselves.  The guy that is trying to hook up with the stripper takes off her bra and throws out of the pool, I think it actually went over the wall.  By this time I'm just like fuck this, I don't want a Duke lacrosse situation.  I go over to the keg and start drinking with my friends, but there was still a spectacle in the pool.  The stripper and the fat girl start making out and the 2 guys are trying to get in on the girls.  The one guy is like trying to screw the back of the stripper's neck, which I didn't even know was an orifice.  She gets out of the pool seemingly disgusted and pissed off and starts to leave.  Problem is she only had a thong on. 

My roommate is the only one that was just kinda hanging back the whole time so he tries to stop her.  She puts on her jeans and then tries to get in her car topless and drunk as hell.  Mark somehow convinced not to leave right away, at least not without her shirt on.  But I guess this goes to show drunk, vulnerable strippers aren't sure things when you're swimming in just boxers.  And before you call me a pussy or a fag for not scoring in this situation, I did also invent the underwater keg stand, aka submarine this night.  No that doesn't make up for my failure, but c'mon how many of my stories have happy endings?  Besides just like at a strip club, you can look, but you can't touch...or so I'm told.  I've never actually been to a stripclub...Okay now you can call me a pussy. 

I just remembered my friend also stole her camera and took pictures of her naked and of his schlong, then put it back in her bag.  Fuckin college man.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Corey Haim: Another victim of the 1980's

I've only seen two movies that Corey Haim was in (Lost Boys, License to Drive), but I know he was part of a long list of young actors with fucked up problems in the 80's.  Pretty sure him and Corey Feldman used to lots of coke off hookers' elbows.  They probably hung out with that Asian kid from Sixteen Candles and took ecstasy.  If an Asian guy gives you a pill you take it.  Not to say actors of the 90's and the O's didn't do drugs, but all those 80's kids were into drugs and assaulting hookers.  The Corey's, Emilio Estevez, Charlie Sheen, Judd Nelson, Anthony Michael Hall, Molly Ringwald... The acid must have just been excellent back in those days.  I mean those people have more street cred than any of these rapper clowns these days.  Judd Nelson will shank you if you look at him the wrong way.

Anyway although you haven't been relevant since around the time I was born, RIP Corey Haim.  Tell Dana Plato I said what's up.  

More Norm

Norm MacDonald is really one funny motherfucker.  He is great cuz he doesn't care if he bombs.  He'll say whatever as proof at the 1998 ESPY awards.

Further proof NBC is run by fat retards

They fired Norm MacDonald from SNL and let Conan go.  Those two always put on a good show.

Re: Fat Idiot Quarterback

Dear Ben,

Look man, there is no way to put this delicately so I'd just like to say... please stop raping fat chicks.  You are the quarterback of one of the most historically great sports franchises and a part of a proud tradition at the Pittsburgh Steelers.  But it would seem like that doesn't mean shit to you.  You have already given yourself a concussion crashing your motorcycle, been accused of sexual assault in two consecutive years, and put on about 296 lbs since you have become starting QB.  Yes I know you have won 2 Super Bowls for the Steelers and us fans appreciate your role in those, well the second one at least, you did jack against Seattle.  But stop trying to act like a superstar and getting yourself into these fucked up situations.

I know you like to think you're like Tom Brady,  a superstar quarterback entitled to a virtual potpourri of pussy, but you aren't.  Just cuz you won a couple rings doesn't mean that every ugly girl you meet at a bar will bang you.  I don't know if you did what these girls said you did to them, but you still are responsible for getting into these fucked up situations.  And you could at least hit on good looking girls.  Have some god damn dignity.

And Jesus Christ, can you fit some kind of offseason workout into your fucking offseason workout?  I don't get how you're managing to get fatter and fatter every year.  You're a god damn disgrace.  I'd believe you for a professional eater not a damn professional football player.

Although you have won many games with the Steelers and added a couple rings to the franchise's history, I think you can kindly fuck off.  You have brought enough bad publicity to the team and city.  Now there is a chance the Steelers will draft Tim Tebow as a spiritual advisor for you.  Oy vey.  Just please take your job seriously and lay off the cheeseburgers.



Monday, March 1, 2010

Because people got patriotic and Finland still sucks

The 2010 Winter Olympics concluded last night in Vancouver and I believe the events lived up to everyone's high expectations, aka most people not giving a shit.  But I was entertained at times, and if you missed it here are the top 10 most noteworthy...umm things... listed subjectively.  Or maybe objectively.  Fuck it, listed downwards.

10. Opening Ceremony
Well it was just as gay as any Olympic ceremony with a little more panache, and technical difficulties.  They had a bunch of Indians (ha I don't have to call them Native Americans since they're Canadian, and like Hell I'm being PC about those canucks) dancing around for an hour.  Then all the athletes from all 200 countries walked around in a circle.  It's amazing when there are random countries like Ethiopia that have one Olympian, and they never compete in any sports that people have heard of.  I'm pretty sure spear chucking isn't a Winter Olympic that's will probably be added in 2014 now.  The best part though is when they brought out Wayne Gretzky, Steve Nash, and 2 other athletes no one has ever heard of, to light the Olympic torch.  They had this giant device that came out of the ground for the athletes to light, however, the damn thing didn't work.  They had to stand there for like 5 minutes, while people tried to figure out what was going on.  It was quite amusing to see such a big embarassment on such a big stage.  Perhaps a bad omen for Canada?

9. Apolo Anton Ohno- American Speedskater
This dude is one of America's most accomplished Winter Olympians, but was disqualified and had a poor showing in 2006.  This time around he had a little more luck on his side.  In his first race, Ohno was 4th heading into the final turn when all of a sudden the skater from Korea in second lost his balance and took out his teammate in third.  Ohno and fellow American J.R. Celski capitalized winning Silver and Bronze respectively.  Ohno almost won another silver medal in a later race when another 2 skaters fell, but Ohno ended up being disqualified for a slight push.

8. Canadian women have class
After winning the Canada Women's hockey team defeated the U.S. for the gold medal, they later celebrated on the ice.  This celebration included drinking beer and champagne, while smoking cigars and rolling around with each other.  They took some heat for this, but I don't know what other way hockey players would celebrate.

7. Curling woes
You know, I went into these Olympics wanting to think that curling could be fun to watch.  God is it awful.  The U.S. men and women's teams both did terrible.  There were a few cute chicks on some of the curling teams: Denmark had 2 hot sisters (found out one of them posed nude for a calendar) and Russia had a couple nice ones as well.  But that shit is way too long and I still don't completely get how it works.

6. Apparently figure skating pairs are big in Kentucky
It's awfully strange how many brother/sister pairs compete in figure skating considering the moves they are pulling off on each other.  Like in Blades of Glory, but this ain't comedy, it's just wrong. 

5. Fuck Finland
Like I said in my Olympic preview, Finland is one country that can go head and suck my balls.  They only won 5 medals, 4 of which were bronze.  We kicked their ass in hockey too.  Suck one Teemu Selanne.

4. Lindsey Vonn
She was supposed to be the face of the Olympics, but spent a lot of time with that face in the snow.  She overcame a bruised shin to win a gold medal in her first race, and everyone was like "she's so brave".  Then she went on to crash in 3 out of her 4 remaining events.  She did win a bronze in the other event, so she did alright overall and broke her pinky.  American Julia Mancuso got two silvers and is even hotter.

3. NBC sucks
I have so many complaints from tape delayed events and hockey games to putting some of the best games on CNBC and MSNBC.  They favored figure skating over hockey.  Now there are gonna be more kids growing up wanting to learn how to do a triple axle rather than wanting to learn how to play hockey.  Thank you NBC for helping to doom the youth of America into being complete pussies.  

2. Joannie Rochette- Canadian figure skater
As I predicted, there is always one smoking hot women's figure skater.  It just turns out that the hottest one this year also had the most heart-wrenching story.  2 days before her short program routine, Rochette's mother suddenly died of a heart attack.  She persevered and ended up winning a bronze medal.  No matter how much I would like to talk about how hot I think she is, her story is pretty amazing.  Not to mention she learned English by watching Scooby Doo.  I got dibs, find your own sympathy story.  Meilleurs souhaits.

1. U S Fuckin A
We pulled off an Olympic record 37 medals, including firsts in Nordic Skiing and Bobsled.  But most importantly the hockey team came to represent.  A team made up of grinders, role players, scrubs, whatever you wanna call them, pulled off in amazing feat in the greatest hockey tournament ever played.  The U.S. team outwilled, outfought, outhustled, outplayed every team on the way to playing in the gold medal game against powerhouse Canada.  The U.S. defeated Canada in the preliminary round, but just fell short in the final game.  The best hockey game I've ever seen ended in heart-breaking fashion for America.  After making a miraculous comeback to tie the game with only 25 seconds left in the game, America sent the game to overtime.  Sidney Crosby, the best player in the NHL, and unfortunately a Canadian, won the game in overtime for Canada.  But damn, like I said best game I've seen, and I pity anyone who missed it.  Even non-hockey fans were balls deep in the game.  Highest rated hockey game in 30 years in the U.S.  Eventhough America only ended up with a silver medal, they showed a lot of grit, and the future of American hockey is very bright.

Beavers are assholes of the forest, Ovechkin is the asshole of the ice rink

More people need to know about how big of an asshole hockey player Alexander Ovechkin is in real life.  Pushing a girl with a camera seems like good evidence to me.

So, People Hate Groundhogs

By an overwhelming margin, fine 3 votes, Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog was voted as Douchebag of the Month for February.  I think people generally agree the whole Groundhog Day holiday is the most pointless tradition in America.  Anyways, that oversized woodchuck now joins Jay Leno in the club of douchebags for 2010.