Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tips from a punk rock show

Went to see Rufio in concert tonight and I made some observations at the show, which I believe can help future concert goers to stay out of harm's way and enjoy yourself.

1. If you feel like you will be able to buy tickets at the show, do it.
I always like how the initial ticket prices online are always cheaper until they slap you with service fees and shit, then it ends up costing more than tickets at the door.  Its some bullshit man.  Plus you have to wait in the same line as people, who bought their tickets online anyway.  Only buy online if you think the show will sell out.

2. Hip hop covers are not cool anymore. 
There have only been a few covers of hip hop/rap songs by rock bands that have been good.  Example Say Anything covering ODB's "I Got Your Money" and Incubus doing the remix for Big Pun's "Still Not a Player".  But unknown or untalented bands shouldn't do it unless they really make it good.  The second band of the night, Harley Knox, started their set with two songs that were pretty good.  I was diggin em.  And then they play a cover of Soulja Boy's "Kiss Me Through the Phone".  First of all, fuck Soulja Boy.  Second of all, that song blows bozak.  The cover was lame and the band lost my attention.

3. Bartenders at concert venues are fucking tools
Seriously, all they do is flirt with chicks there and talk to their boys.  It takes forever to get their attention and they always act like pricks.  I asked the dude "Can I get a Bud Light?" and the dude sarcastically is like "no, man".  I laughed it off, but that shit pissed me off a bit.  That whole sarcasm when people ask you questions stopped being cool in like 1985.  Just do your job and get my beer, then you can go back to hitting on that ugly drunk girl, which we will revisit later.

4. 5 bands are way too many. 
I'm not talking about big shows like Warped Tour, I mean little shows at little venues.  Most likely the first band will be okay at best.  The second and third band should never be worse than the first, which is a risk you take with so many bands.  If there are 3 legit bands at a show, then 4 is all you need.  If there is only 1 legit band like at tonight's concert, 3 bands would be perfect and I wouldn't have to stand through 3 hours of complete shit.  Plus, the bands need their time to set up and all that stuff.

5. Hold your liquor
Two people puked at tonight's show.  First, that drunk girl flirting with the bartender got rushed outside by a security guard after she started heaving up meatloaf.  Then, this one dude described as a "one man mosh pit" ended up puking 2 songs into Rufio's set.  But to his credit, he finished puking and then went right back to moshing.  That's respectable.

6. When stage diving, make sure there are people there. 
The most amazing thing happened.  Dude jumped up on stage, ran to the end of it and jumped into the crowd, by crowd I mean the ground.  The guy manages to jump in the one spot where there are no people standing, and faceplants pretty badly.  He got up right away, but that's gotta be the worst feeling of that guy's life.  It was his moment of glory and he fucked up.  Like the time I dropped a foul ball at a Pirates game.  Now the rest of my life I will be known as a failure... Fuck it, failing is my calling in life.


1 comment:

  1. "That whole sarcasm when people ask you questions stopped being cool in like 1985."
    Can't stand that crap. Just do your effing job, and get me my drink. Our waitress a few weeks back pulled that crap, remember?.
