My roommate at ASU hooked me up with a lot of food and a lot of weed in our time living together. The least I could do was let him spend Thanksgiving with my family. So we ventured to Peoria and my roommate brought only a bag of weed and a cd. I don't even remember if he brought a change of clothes for the 3 day stay, but no matter. Thanksgiving was a busy day, well night anyway. First, during the day we drove off to a nearby place to smoke cigarettes while my parents cooked the food, and we plotted our day. So we ate dinner with my parents, and they told us that my cousin and her husband wanted us to come by after. Mark was kinda jonesin to smoke, and I told em "trust me man, bring the weed". So we went over there and ate for the second time and I told my cousin's husband we have stuff to smoke. He busted out a pipe, we smoked, drank a few beers, and then headed over to my friend's house.
Arriving at my friend's house was a trip. It's not a great feeling to be around a group of sober people when you're high as a panda. Especially when trippy video games are being played. My roommate brought it up that it would be funny as hell to go doorbusting for Black Friday. Plus he wanted to get this scooter at Target or something, I don't man that kid is fuckin crazy. But I'm like alright its only a couple hours away we can make that happen. So we left my friend's house and got even more high in my backyard. Then we drove down by Best Buy and Target to check out the lines. One line that caught our attention was at Mervyn's. I guess the first 100 people got like a $10 gift certificate so there was a line wrapping around the building. We found this completely hilarious so we just stood beside the line and smoked cigarettes and took pictures. People were looking over at us like we were the biggest assholes in the world. Like who goes Doorbusting just to watch the lines and doesn't even shop? It's hilarious thinking about it.
After a little bit we decide to go over to the mall, which was surprisingly full of people. See we figured it was normal that we were out and about at 4 in the morning cuz we were fucked up. But there was all these little kids and old people, shit I guess all kinds of people do meth. I guess they had Santa come in at like 5 or 6, but still seemed crazy. I suppose it's a bit hard to explain now why that whole experience was so hilarious to us, but you know who goes shopping high at 3 am? That shit doesn't happen often in life. But it was Doorbusters 07' aka DB07. It was one of those times that you treasure as a random experience that won't happen again.
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