I've noticed an increasing number of ugly, fat, and ugly fat guys hooking up with hot girls. In the celeb realm there are such couples as Zooey Deschanel and that ugly dude from Death Cab For Cutie, Katy Perry and that meth head looking British guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and all those chicks Marilyn Manson pulls in. Celebrities are all fucked in the head anyway so no big deal. But now its starting to become a trend in real life too.

I went to a concert tonight and this really hot girl with glasses walks up and stands right in front of me. She was alone which made me suspicious cuz no girl usually goes to concerts alone. So she was into the concert, rockin out to Saves The Day and then she looks back toward me. She's cute so I smile at her, and she flashes a smile back. So cool, she's feeling me right? Nope. Here comes tons of fun, 270 lb guido lookin fucker wearing one of those trendy New York hat things, and slightly resembles football coach and fellow bra shopper Charlie Weis. Dude is fuckin butt ugly, craters in the face, 2-3 chins, and this chick is thrilled to see this fat bastard. He kisses her on the cheek and they are taking pictures together and I'm just...well disgustipated. That girl is overdue for a new prescription.
There are lot of good looking douchebags that don't deserve the girls they are with, but fat ugly douchebags? That's just a slap in the face. I mean if I had like 3 huge scars on my face, gained 80 lbs, and smelled of taco grease and funions would I be more marginally attractive? The media plays off that looks and money are the most important things in the world, but clearly the vital things are having a lot of drugs and a huge penis.
Fuckin' A.