It’s a matter of fact that I much prefer the 1990’s then this decade. The music, style, movies, TV shows, etc. No bros, metros, or economic woes. It was more of a time to bitch about one’s own battles vs. self and society. The forces of entertainment could express their disapproval with censorship and the struggles of society. But now there is nothing left to push the envelope on or to revolt against with individualism, except for maybe the lack of it. It’s all big issues these days so ideas must be a mass hit or “epic fail”. I’m pretty uppity on the subject of why the 90’s were better than this decade so this shall be my first episodic series of blogs. I shall begin with music…
Hip Hop Hooray!
Music has become less creative these days. Rap lacks issues, rock lacks a voice, and jazz lacks a younger audience to fuse its sounds within other genres. Rap used to contain lyrics dealing with problems of impoverished cities, ghetto neighborhoods, the racism of law enforcement, street crime and so forth. In the suburbs there was less hubbub of drive-by shootings,

Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss
Beats now are created to be catchy, not to represent music as an art or to show respect for past decades of music. 90’s rap had a strong influence of 70’s funk and soul, rhythm, blues, jazz beats, and an overall collection what inspired rap and hip hop. The new era of rap has a more techno train of thought...Catch attention in the beginning, have an easy to remember chorus, and let listeners exit the song without requiring a single proficient thought of any meaning to the lyrics.
Get Your Wayne Out Of My Face
Why do you think Lil Wayne has so many songs constantly coming out? Well they are like bubble gum. You chew it, enjoy the flavor for 10 minutes, and once the flavor is gone you need a new piece to keep it going. People would forget about that tattooed turd in a second if he decided to take a break. It’s hard to create a true following when your lyrics mean diddly-poo to people.
Sorry Dad
My beloved Rock, don’t think you have escaped my rant. Rock has been losing voice especially over the last 5 years. It’s hard to pinpoint since there are so many styles of Rock (Punk, Alternative, Metal, etc.), but I’ll try anyway. Rock is supposed to be about anger, anti-authority, you know some serious “I hate my dad” attitude. But suddenly punks aren’t punk, metalheads like Jesus, and alternative folks are actually enjoying life. What the fuck? Where’s the emotion?
Me Gusta Punk Rock
I mean its all in the title of punk songs.
90’s: Pennywise- Fuck Authority, NOFX- Murder the Government, No Doubt- Yeah I’m a Girl, But Suck My Dick.
2000’s: Fallout Boy- We’re Cool Cuz 13 Year Old Girls Like Us, Plain White T’s- I Miss My Girlfriend, Panic! At the Disco- Let’s Drink a Red Bull and Then Go to the Dance
I mean its all in the title of punk songs.
90’s: Pennywise- Fuck Authority, NOFX- Murder the Government, No Doubt- Yeah I’m a Girl, But Suck My Dick.

2000’s: Fallout Boy- We’re Cool Cuz 13 Year Old Girls Like Us, Plain White T’s- I Miss My Girlfriend, Panic! At the Disco- Let’s Drink a Red Bull and Then Go to the Dance
Ain’t No Par

Why isn’t it okay to be pissed off at life or depressed anymore? I’ve always been hard on Kurt Cobain since people popularized him after his suicide. Turns out he was on to something. I feel like most 90’s alternative bands were. Like they knew things would suck and art would be ruined these days. Maybe that’s why Layne Staley (Alice in Chains), Bradley Nowell (Sublime), and Shannon Hoon (Blind Melon) all died of overdoses. Why Maynard (Tool) and Trent Reznor (NIN) were so pissed off. And why Rage Against the Machine was always fucking Raging.
Crank Up That Marcy Playground
Hinder, Buckcherry, and Theory of a Deadman all sound the same and just seem to have relationship problems. Boo fucking Hoo. Granted I did enjoy some of the sappy alternative bands of the late 90’s (Third Eye Blind, Goo Goo Dolls, Eve 6), but they still had a much better alternative feel to them. Like you just wanted to go to Seattle, drink some whiskey, walk home in the rain while one of those songs is playing, all while thinking about the girl that just broke up with you…Or something like that.
The Bizkit Went Limp
And then there are the rock bands that had to go and unnecessarily change. Radiohead is suddenly upbeat. Papa Roach went to rehab and became Avenged Sevenfold (more on these dickheads later). And Korn, they just aren’t the same anymore. If the next Tool CD sucks, I give up.
As Much Metal As My 8th Grade Braces
Just some random tidbits:
-Underoath: Please report to Ozzy for a lesson on where Metal stands on the whole religion issue.
-Avenged Sevenfold- You are not fucking vampires.
-Lamb of God- What did you say?
-Avenged Sevenfold- Please stop making sounds slightly resembling music
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